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Tube Lights

Domain Names

Tube Lights

Safeguarding your online presence is one of the foundational elements of IP management. 

Domain names are one of the most essential and also intricate parts of a successful IP strategy. It requires diligent consideration, maintenance and when necessary, effective dispute resolution in order to register and maintain a valuable domain name portfolio.

Domain name protection goes hand-in-hand with trademark protection and protection of other IP rights such as copyrights, business titles and company names, requiring strong intellectual property law expertise in every step.

We provide portfolio management services to our clients during the whole lifespan of their domain name portfolios, especially in handling domain name related transactions and contracts. We represent our clients before domestic and international administrative authorities in registrations, assignments and other proceedings concerning their domain names.

Our litigation and arbitration practice includes all types of domain name related disputes, including infringement, cancellation, requests for blocking access and compensatory actions. We also handle civil and criminal unfair competition cases based on domain name infringements.

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